What is Baptism & Who is it For?

Baptism is one of two Sacraments in the New Testament. We do not often use the word Sacrament as evangelicals, so let me provide a definition. A Sacrament is a holy ordinance instituted by Christ; wherein, by sensible signs, Christ, and the benefits of the new covenant.

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Adriel Sanchez
The Trisagion

Every week we sing the Trisagion hymn before the confession of sin. Meaing “thrice holy,” the hymn is theologically rich with deep historical roots.

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Ryan Leech
Why Should a Christian Be Committed to Going to Church?

How important is “going to church” for the American population? According to recent statistics given by the Barna Group, not very important. In fact, among Millennials (those 30 and under) only 20% of the population think that church attendance is valuable. The Millennials who are leaving the church are doing so because they believe the church is irrelevant, hypocritical, and filled with moral failure.

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Adriel Sanchez
Why Liturgical Worship?

When we speak of “liturgical worship” we are speaking of the type of worship that reminds us of our priestly duty to minister to the Lord by bringing forward our sacrifices. The Bible describes a number of different sacrifices which Christians are to offer...

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Adriel Sanchez